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Cacocum People's Council Delegates

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The People's Council is an organ of the People's Power, local, representative in nature, vested with the highest authority for the performance of its functions. It comprises a given territorial demarcation, supports the Municipal Assembly of People's Power in the exercise of its attributions and facilitates the best knowledge and attention to the needs and interests of the inhabitants of its area of action.

It does not constitute an intermediate instance for the purposes of the political-administrative division and without having subordinate administrative structures, it exercises the attributions and functions granted by the Constitution and the laws, with the active participation of the people in the interest of the community and the whole society; it represents the demarcation where it acts and is, at the same time, representative of the organs of the municipal, provincial and national Popular Power before the population, the institutions and entities located in it. In the Tenth Session of the National Assembly of People's Power of its Third Legislature, December 1991, the extension of the existence of the People's Councils to the whole country, both in rural and urban areas, was authorized.

Popular participation, in the activity of the People's Council, constitutes the fundamental way to carry out its work. It is present from the identification of problems and needs and their possible solutions, to the adoption of decisions, as well as in the planning, development and evaluation of the main actions carried out in the demarcation. It promotes the massive participation of the residents of the demarcation in the search for unity, consensus, identity and sense of belonging of the citizens for the community, the territory and the country. As well as work programs that involve neighbors and specific sectors, such as children, youth, the elderly, housewives and others, according to their needs and interests.


Cacocum People's Council Delegates
Cayo Cedro People's Council Cañada Ancha People's Council
La Agraria People's Council
Renato Pupo Sánchez
Omar Figueredo Rojas Mayelín Ramírez Cruz
Schooling: 12 Grado Schooling: Téc. Medio Agronomía Schooling: Lic. en Derecho
Constituency: No. 9 Magueyal
Constituency: No. 24 Güira del Pesquero
Constituency: No. 21 San Juan
Mobile: -
Mobile: - Móvil: -
Cacocum People's Council
Fortuna People's Council Cupey People's Council
Miguel Pupo Rivera
Juan Ramón Bello Ávila
Justo José Cera Plana
Schooling: Téc. Medio Economía Schooling: Ing. Agrónomo Schooling: Lic. Derecho
Constituency: No. 41 Fidelidad 2
Constituency: No. 67 Transporte
Constituency: No. 55 Cupey
Mobile: - Mobile: - Mobile: -
Maceo People's Council
 Limpio Chiquito People's Council
 Cristino Naranjo People's Council
 Yunior González Rodríguez  Romilio Molina Mastrapa Nora Moreno Landrove
Schooling: Lic. Cultura Física Schooling: 9no. Grado Schooling: Téc. Med. Plan. Econ. 
Constituency: No. 71 Los Menchos   Constituency: No. 74 Yagüabo Constituency: No. 6 Edificio
Mobile: - Mobile: - Mobile: - 



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