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Municipality Information

Municipal Directorate of Education Cacocum

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General characterization:

Education is one of the main achievements of the Cuban Revolution and countless resources are devoted to it. The educational sector in the municipality of Cacocum has educational centers and 1 Pioneer Explorers Camp.

There are approximately 6330 students enrolled in the different educational programs, 175 with internal regime, 2201 semi-interns and 4129 externs, which are attended by 1023 teachers in front of the classroom and other 601 non-teaching workers.

For the attention of the students of the territory, the following number of workers per educational level is available:


Educational LevelNo. of Workers
Children's circle 126
Preschool 63
Primary 765
Special 63
Basic Secondary 192
Pre. University 33
ETP 224
Adults 18


Special Education:

The education of people with intellectual disabilities is a challenge for society in general and for educational systems in particular, which is conditioned by the educational and scientific policy of each country that supports the goals and aspirations to be achieved with these learners. Therefore, it is defined as:

Social Purpose: To develop in the students an integral general culture through developmental learning, which allows preparation for life and active graduation, based on the compensatory corrective work of the pedagogical process, forming people in the values: Marti, patriotic, anti-imperialist, solidarity.

Mission: To achieve the maximum possible integral development of people with Special Educational Needs, in any context, allowing them to face their social inclusion with different levels of independence.

These centers serve the specialty of Intellectual Disability and Retardation in Psychical Development.

In order to fulfill its mission, Special Education has an educational institution: "28 de Septiembre" Special School, with 10 annexed classrooms in primary schools located in rural areas. Enrollment is as follows:

Educational LevelStudents Enrolled
1ero - 6to degrees
7mo - 9no degrees
Complementary Cycle 65
Special 63

Early Childhood:

Achieving quality educational attention is the highest aspiration of Early Childhood. The first six years of life are fundamental in the process of development and formation of the future personality. To achieve this, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the Early Childhood educational level, which is to achieve the maximum possible integral development of each child from birth to six years of age.

In order to achieve this goal, the early childhood education level has a school network of 3 educational institutions, 3 children's circles, 31 primary schools with 6th grade groups and the Educate Your Child Program, dedicated to non-institutional care.

In the children's circles "Sueños de Camilo" (Cacocum Popular Council) "Granito de Azúcar" (Cristino Naranjo Popular Council) and "Futuros Titanes" (Antonio Maceo Popular Council) we have an enrollment of 425 children, of which 94 are in the sixth year of life distributed in 5 groups. In primary schools, enrollment reaches 345 boys and girls in the sixth year of life, distributed in 37 classrooms.

The Educa a tu Hijo program has a population of 1,747 children, all of whom are attended by 11 volunteer promoters and executors in groups and individually. The education program is staffed by qualified personnel for the proper care of children and families.

The methodological team is directed by a Department Head and is also integrated by 4 integral methodologists. Its function consists of advising the work of the members of the management structures of the educational institutions and early childhood teachers in the 9 popular councils of the municipality.


Primary Education:

The purpose of the Cuban elementary school is to contribute to the integral formation of the schoolchild's personality, encouraging from the first grades the internalization of knowledge and value orientations that are gradually reflected in their feelings, ways of thinking and behavior in accordance with the system of values and ideals of the Socialist Revolution.

These transformations are aimed at achieving the formation of a reflective, critical and independent child, who assumes an increasingly leading role in his actions, who possesses feelings of love and respect for the homeland, his family, his school, his classmates and nature; as well as being the bearer of essential qualities such as responsibility, hard work, honesty and solidarity. It comprises two cycles, the first one that covers grades 1 to 4 and the second one with grades 5 and 6.

In order to fulfill its purpose, our municipality has a school network of 53 educational institutions, 5 urban and 48 rural, with 1 semi-boarding school, 5 graduated schools, and 12 multigrade territorial units.

The enrollment from 1st to 6th grade is 3003 distributed in 235 groups, of which 226 are up to 25 students, 7 are up to 30 students, and 2 are over 30 students. The general enrollment is distributed in 1st grade 447, 2nd grade 481, 3rd grade 520, 4th grade 489, 5th grade 557 and 6th grade 509, external 2711 and semi-boarding 292.

The methodological team led by a Department Head composed of 6 integral methodologists whose function consists of advising the management structures of the educational institutions and teachers of Primary Education in the 9 popular councils of the municipality.


Basic Secondary:

The purpose of Basic Secondary Education is the comprehensive education of adolescents, based on scientific and investigative thinking in accordance with the patriotic, civic and humanist ideals of Cuban socialist society in its prosperous and sustainable development with a scientific and moral conception of the world. This educational level comprises the seventh, eighth and ninth grades, from 12 to 15 years of age and during their passage the students experience a set of psychoanatomophysiological changes; as well as a higher level of expansion of the contents of the educational process.

This teaching is developed in 3 Urban Basic Secondary Schools: ESBU "Gilberto González Rojas", ESBU "Cristino Naranjo", and ESBU "Antonio Maceo Grajales", the general enrollment of 1302 are distributed in 7th grade 433, 8th grade 407, 9th grade 462.

The students are involved in patriotic work, civic, artistic, sports, vocational training, work and healthy, educated and useful recreation. For the development of the Labor Formation we count on the trades that predominate in the communities where the educational institutions are located. We work in vocational conferences and in the attention of circles of interest and their programs where the pedagogical cuts should be strengthened.



The Pre-university Education, as its name indicates, has as main objective to prepare the student for university entrance, to consolidate the development and integral formation of the student's personality in its different facets, propitiating a higher level of self-determination, civic attitudes and behaviors with an active and creative participation in the construction and defense of the Cuban socialist system, starting from the conception of their life project, according to their aspirations and personal and social interests.

In the municipality the Pre-university Education is developed in an educational institution, in the Rural Pre-university Institute IPR "Mártires de Holguín" in the Popular Council Cacocum. The enrollment from 10th to 12th grade is 333 with 214 females and 119 males distributed in 11 pedagogical groups. The general enrollment is distributed as follows: 10th grade: 117, 11th grade: 118 and 12th grade: 98, external 263 and internal 70. The teaching staff is composed of 30 teachers, including 4 masters, 23 bachelors and 3 mid-level technicians.


Technical and Professional:

Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) focuses its work on the fulfillment of the educational mission of directing the continuous training of the qualified middle-level workforce, as well as the training of workers and population, through the integration of educational institutions with labor entities, as a dynamic element in the economic and social development of the country; guaranteeing a patriot committed to the values and principles that characterize our social system, which ensure to respond to the demands of production and services at all times, adjusted to the changes that are required to maintain the continuity of the Revolution and the construction of socialism.

In addition, and as a specific particularity of TVE, the training of future middle-level workers is carried out in close coordination with the labor organizations and entities of our province, with which agreements are executed that allow converting their work spaces into classrooms annexed to our schools and, in this way, take advantage of their human capital and technological resources, when they do not exist in the institutions of TVE, to complete the integral preparation of our students.

The Technical and Professional Education in our municipality has a school network of 2 educational institutions, the Polytechnic Center "Manuel Enrique Isla Pérez", in the popular council Cristino Naranjo, and the Polytechnic Center "Alfredo Corcho Cinta", which is located in Antonio Maceo, both type Girón V were built in 1973 with 46 years of service, and have never received capital repair.

In the territory we have the following technical specialties: Accounting, Agronomy, Gastronomic Service, Food Processing, Commerce, Electricity, Agricultural Mechanization, Beauty Service, Sugar Manufacturing Technology and Sugar Machinery. All of them are intermediate technicians. In addition, the following specialties are taught: Carpentry in white, general construction maintenance, food processing assistant, motor vehicle electrician and repair of minor appliances; all of them are skilled workers.

The student universe is of 399 students: 283 males and 118 females; by years of study: 1 year - 206, 2 year - 119, 3 year - 45; 4t0 year - 29 and 2 of trade education for an overall total of 401 students. 310 in the medium technical specialties, 89 in the skilled workers specialties.


Youth and Adults:

The purpose of Youth and Adult Education is to help the young and adult population of the different sectors of society to receive the necessary knowledge base and develop skills, habits and competencies that allow them to continue studying for their training or professional improvement in regular, non-formal and informal education, which satisfies their spiritual, material and cognitive interests, essential components in personal formation for a productive participation in the political, economic and social development of the country and the world.

The municipality has a SOC-FOC "Gilberto Gonzalez Rojas" center, in addition to teaching to achieve a certain level or degree in English or Portuguese, develops community courses for children, adolescents and young people and the training of teachers who are part of the quarry for international collaboration. At this educational level we have an enrollment of 326 students, 15 SOC, 249 FOC and 62 Language.

Requirements for admission to Youth and Adult Education at the level of Worker and Peasant Faculty:

  • Must be at least 17 years old and in the ninth grade.
  • For men: be a worker or belong to ANAP, supporting this condition with a letter from the work center or agricultural production cooperative, asappropriate.
  • For women: to be a housewife, endorsing this condition with a letter from the FMC block to which the interested party belongs.
  • Presentation of the letter from the work center, documents from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security or from ONAT, in the case of self-employed workers.
  • Presentation of the identity card and the diploma or certification of completed studies endorsed by the department of degrees and diplomas.
  • In the case of graduates as Qualified Laborers, their enrollment is allowed even if they do not have an employment relationship.

For admission to the Adult Education Language Schools, the following is required:

  • Be at least 17 years of age. Graduates of Skilled Worker specialties, 15 or 16 years of age, who have an employment relationship, are exempted from this requirement.
  • To have passed at least 9th grade.
  • To be an active worker.
  • Enrollment in only one language.
  • Exceptionally and as long as no worker is displaced, admit housewives, retirees, other high school students, university students and those non-working people who, due to the socio-economic interests of the locality and the emergent creation of job sources, require preparation in the language schools.
  • Presentation of identity card and diploma or certification of completed studies.
  • Presentation of a letter from the work center stating the need to improve in a certain language.



The Municipal Education Directorate has a Public Attention Office to personally and by telephone attend and guide citizens who wish to make complaints, petitions, suggestions and denunciations about our sector, which is attended by MSc. Xiomara Pavón Fuentes, at telephone number 52199695.


Municipal Director, MSc. Dixán Mojena Arzuaga 24327394
Municipal Directorate of Education Command Post 24327104
Municipal Directorate of Education's Economic Sub-Directorate 24327234
Municipal Directorate of Education's Information Technology Department 24327414
 Children's Circle Sueños de Camilo 24327505
Children's Circle Granitos de Azúcar 24336192
Children's Circle Futuros Titanes 24339180
Special School 28 de Septiembre 24327017
Seminternship Expedicionarios del Corynthia 24327583
Elementary School Joaquín García Fernández 24327103
Elementary School Pedro González Mir 24327969
Elementary School Modesto Campos Portilla 24336175
Elementary School Federico Capdevila Miñano 24339243
Elementary School Abel Turner Sánchez 24339153
Baisca High School Gilberto González Rojas 24327565
Baisca High School Cristino Naranjo Vázquez 24339194
Baisca High School Antonio Maceo Grajales 24339124
Polytechnic Center Manuel Enrique Isla Pérez 24336223
Polytechnic Center Alfredo Corcho Cinta 24339108
Pre-university Institute Mártires de Holguín 24327774


Hours of Operation:

Address: Monday to Friday at 7: 30 am

Deputy General Manager: Monday, from 8:00am

Pre-school Sub-direction: Tuesday, 8:00 am

Area Subdirection: Wednesday, 8:00am

Economic Subdirection: Friday, 8:00am


Offices to countersign or endorse graduation certificates:

Certifications of completed studies corresponding to 6th and 9th grades, Secundaria Obrera Campesina are endorsed at the Municipal Directorate.


Days and hours of operation:

Every day from 8.00 AM to 12.00 PM and from 1.00 PM to 5.00 PM.

In the Provincial Directorate, the certificates of completed studies of Skilled Workers, Middle Technicians, Peasant Workers Faculty, Bachelor and CSIPJ are endorsed; in addition to the titles and CET of people who emigrate to other countries.


Days and hours of operation:

Tuesday and Thursday from 8.00 AM to 12.00M and from 1.00 to 5.00 PM.

Wednesday (reserved for agencies) same schedule.

Responsible: Ailín Proenza Silva.

Telephone: 24 474297

Location: Máximo Gómez Street # 288 % Frexes and Martí, Holguín.



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