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Municipality Information

About Cacocum

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Characteristics of the territory:

Cacocum limits to the north with Holguín municipality; to the south with Cauto Cristo municipality of Granma province; to the east with Urbano Noris and Báguanos municipalities and to the west with Calixto García municipality. Due to its geographic position it is located to the south of Holguín province, between 20.6º and 20.8º north latitude and 76.3º and 76.7º west longitude in the eastern region of the island of Cuba.

It has a territorial extension of 659.9 Km2, which represents 7.7% of the territory of Holguin province. Its population is approximately 43 135 inhabitants and a density of 68.3 inhabitants/km2. The head of the municipality is known as Cacocum; the real name of the neighborhood and the town is San Pedro de Cacocum.

Cacocum emerged as a municipality from the new political-administrative division developed in Cuba in 1976, but its origins as a town date back to colonial times since it was founded in 1752.

Then during the 19th century it became a captaincy. The Santa Inés barracks; the haciendas: El Canal (Antonio Maceo), San José, Arroyo Blanco; the farms: Yaguabo, Limpio Chiquito, La Concepción, Naranjal, Pesquero, San Vicente, among others, have been part of this region.

It is a territory rich in communication routes; the Central Highway and the railroad line cross through it. In the northern part we have as limit with the municipality of Holguín, the National Airport and the Frank País International Airport. The towns are united by a central railroad, highways and roads that allow a correct interaction, it also constitutes the intersection point between the eastern and western zones, that is why we call it "The Key of the East".

It is integrated by three fundamental population settlements: Cacocum, which constitutes the head and gives name to the municipality, Cristino Naranjo and Antonio Maceo, those that since the colony were already part of this party or Captaincy; of the Oriental Department and in the Neocolonial Stage were the Cacocum, Arroyo Blanco del Sur and Cabezuelas neighborhoods, all of the holguinera municipality, in the Oriente province.

General characteristics:


From the geographical point of view, there are no important sources of mineral deposits in this municipality. Its topography or relief is predominantly flat, with slight undulations in its northeastern part that oscillates between 100 and 200 meters high. The soils are black and reddish-brown stony, with good fertility favorable for varied crops. The climate like the rest of the country is subtropical moderate; its rain regime is poor, the precipitations of the center towards its limits oscillate between the 1000 and the 800 milliliters of accumulated rain annually. It has an average relative humidity of 65 % and the temperature is as general index the same that obeys to the whole province, between 22.9 and 30.1ºC.


The fauna is very poor in species, represented by some pheasants and guinea fowl in phase of extinction, herons, sparrows that are the most abundant. When the springs are very strong, yaguasasas, yaguasines and florida ducks migrate to the territory. In small quantities live the totí, the owl, the sencerenica, the mockingbird, tojosas, among others.


The vegetation is composed of royal palms, yarey, yuraguana and coconut palms, guásimas, tamarindillo, carob, júcaro; among the fruit trees are citrus in general, mango, mamoncillo, avocado and other timber and fruit species that are promoted in reforestation plans.


Its hydrographic network is of low density, it is crossed by the Holguín, Matamoros and Colorado rivers, the latter feeds the Magueyal dam with a reservoir capacity of 13.5 million m3; in a part of its limits with the municipality of Calixto García it is bathed by the La Rioja river. The water table is regularly fertile and drinkable, except for the eastern part, where the water is predominantly salty.

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