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dia enfermeria cacocum cuba
By: Official of Institutional Communication of the People's Power Cacocum.
Cacocum - When May arrives there are several activities and dates that our country commemorates. This May 12 we were filled with pride to be able to congratulate all the staff licensed in "nursing" of our municipality.

When this day came, there were several activities and congratulations that came through social networks.
Those and those warriors who accompany their people day by day, are the guardian angels of the communities, of the sick and of each boy and girl.

Nurses and male nurses belong to various programs from all sectors with the aim of preserving human life. It is good to always remember in the Family Doctors and Nurses Program how they continue to do field work, caring for the sick, injecting or visiting vulnerable people every day.

To those who carry out an internationalist mission, to those who accompany patients in the emergency room, to those who shake their hands and tell them with a look that everything will be fine... Congratulations to all those nurses!