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portada covid cacocum descuido cuba

Cacocum - The month of June becomes for the municipality of Cacocum the most complex stage since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

With the last positive case in the territory, so far this year, there are a total of 59 confirmed cases of the disease, including 33 autochthonous cases, 26 imported cases, a figure that exceeds the estimates and is determined as alarming for our territory.
In statements made by Elisa Bruzón Laguna, Director of Hygiene in the municipality, it was learned that in the last five days 18 positive cases have been confirmed in the three health areas. Rubén Batista Rubio Polyclinic with 7 patients, Cristino Naranjo health area with 8 patients and Antonio Maceo health area with 3 patients. Of these, 9 were autochthonous and 9 imported.
According to the specialist, up to the moment of the information, Cacocum accumulates a total of 137 people in isolation, located in the centers Los Pinos, El Cedral, Mártires de Holguín, Casa del Azucarero, Alfredo Corcho and others in the municipality of San German.
In the last week there have been 8 confirmed autochthonous cases. Three open outbreak controls that do not have a determined source of infection and one imported.
In the course of the week, 5 patients have been diagnosed positive to the virus, contacts of confirmed cases, who belong to the Rubén Batista Rubio health area. They are 5 citizens between 30 and 60 years of age, who remain hospitalized in the Clinical Surgical Hospital Lucía Iñiguez, in Holguín.


The highest political and governmental authorities together with public health insist on increasing surveillance actions and compliance with all the established hygienic measures to control the spread of the virus.
The call is also for the population to increase its perception of risk and to contribute to the strict discipline with the mandatory use of nasobuco, the only effective way to curb the pandemic.


Authors: Yoandris Cedeño Fonseca/Radio Angulo Journalist and Danier E. Infante Fernández/ Institutional Communicator of the People's Power.